Car Inspection Knowledge Base

Our client contacted us to carry out a damage assessment inspection on this rare Audi A8 6.0L Quattro which had been involved in a non fault impact to the LH front corner. The insurer had categorised it a Cat B via image assessment meaning it could not be returned to the road.

We were ask carry out a damage assessment on this Land Rover Evoque which had suffered a tyre blow out at motorway speeds. The Vehicle was taken directly from the road side to the insurers salvage agent & deemed unrepairable, Cat N.

Our client contacted us to carry out a damage assessment inspection on this rare Audi A8 6.0L Quattro which had been involved in a non fault impact to the LH front corner. The insurer had categorised it a Cat B via image assessment meaning it could not be returned to the road.

We were asked to inspect this 2013 BMW 4 Series purchased from an independent dealer. It had passed an MOT prior to purchase, however a post purchase mechanical investigation by an independent repairer  identified historic panel and mechanical damage.